Patient Resources

Patient Resources

As your eye care professionals, we offer the latest eye care information and tips to keep you on top of your vision health and wellness needs. Our doctors and staff attend several educational seminars each year, staying up-to-date on the latest procedures and technology to provide you with the most current information to keep your eyes healthy.

With our training, experience, and state-of-the-art equipment, we offer professional, full-spectrum primary eye care for individuals of all ages at every stage of their life.


Insurances We Accept

Insurances We Currently Accept:

  • Medicare
  • VSP

For all other insurance and discount plans, See You Eyecare operates as an open access practice. We can offer care to members of any insurance plan. Even if our services are out of network for you, your insurance can still cover them.

We partner with Anagram, a web-based service, to help you electronically file insurance claims. We guide you through each step to make sure you make the most of your insurance. Filing claims can be a hassle, so we offer this service to simplify the process. Our commitment is to you, our customer, without being tied to third-party rules. This flexibility allows us to offer the highest quality frames, lenses, and products.

Payment Options

Your convenience is important to us. We offer a wide range of payment options, ensuring you can access the eye care you deserve when you need it most. Your payment options:

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