Pediatric Eyecare

Pediatric Eye Care

Did you know that 1 in every 3 Americans has nearsightedness, a condition where an individual has difficulty distinguishing things at a distance.

Nearsightedness, or myopia, is becoming increasingly common in children due to prolonged screen time and other environmental factors. At See You Eyecare, we understand the importance of early intervention in addressing vision issues in both you and your children.

Whether it’s a routine check-up, diagnosing myopia, or prescribing glasses, we’re here to support your child’s visual health every step of the way. Currently accepting patients ages 7 and up.

Pediatric Eye Care

Pediatric Eye Care

Myopia, more commonly known as nearsightedness, is a common issue throughout the world.
In fact, 1 in every 3 Americans has the condition, which can make it difficult to distinguish things at a distance.

For individuals with the condition, faraway objects often appear blurry or out of focus, causing them to squint or narrow their eyes. While common, myopia is associated with several serious eye conditions that can threaten one’s ability to see.

As we age, the condition can worsen when not treated, making it increasingly difficult to see. Because the condition often develops in childhood, early intervention can help slow the progression of vision issues, providing long-lasting improvements to eyesight.